Git LFS With Homebrew

So, I’ve been working on an internal Homebrew tap, and have been trying to get the automatic bottle packaging actions working. There’s a good blog post that describes the outcomes, but the Homebrew project supports internal taps on a best effort basis, so this doesn’t dig into all the issues you might encounter when setting it up internally. By far the most time consuming issue I had was getting the git clone to find git-lfs.

Homebrew tricks for the Dreamcast toolchain

I’ve spent some time working on a Homebrew tap for Dreamcast development tooling, and wanted to write a little about the tricks I used in creating formula to install the Dreamcast compilation toolchain. First, the Dreamcast toolchain is actually build and installed by the dc-chain package from the KallistiOS repository. dc-chain has 3 phases - download, unpack and build. The download phase is done by the script, which downloads the source archives of the toolchain components (gcc, binutils, newlib, gdb) for SH4 and ARM architectures.

Updating go_resources in Homebrew

This is a quick note to myself about how to update the go_resources in a Homebrew formula. First, install godep and the Homebrew dev tools: $ cd $GOPATH $ go get -u $ brew tap homebrew/dev-tools Next, generate a Godeps file in your Go project $ cd $GOPATH/src/ $ $GOPATH/bin/godep save . Now you can get brew to generated the go_resources that you can just paste into your formula: