Git LFS With Homebrew

So, I’ve been working on an internal Homebrew tap, and have been trying to get the automatic bottle packaging actions working. There’s a good blog post that describes the outcomes, but the Homebrew project supports internal taps on a best effort basis, so this doesn’t dig into all the issues you might encounter when setting it up internally. By far the most time consuming issue I had was getting the git clone to find git-lfs.

Using a Specifc SSH Identity with Git

Normally, it’s common to configure multiple SSH keys git Git access, but there are situations where you need to use a specific key. In this case, you don’t want to let ssh just choose the first working key, you want it to use a specific SSH identity. The use case that I had was that for a certain set of source repositories, I wanted to use a particular key because that specific key was approved by a particular GitHub organization.